GCF Integrity Forum 2019, Madrid: Strengthening Climate Finance Integrity to Promote Climate Action
Madrid, Spain
16 - 18 December 2019
Location: Intercontinental Madrid Paseo de la Castellana 49, Madrid 28046 1/F Escorial Centro & Escorial Norte
The Independent Integrity Unit of the Green Climate Fund is proud to host the inaugural GCF Integrity Forum with the theme, “Strengthening Climate Finance Integrity to Promote Climate Action”. Following official activities of the 25th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25), this three-day workshop intends to promote climate action by addressing climate finance-related integrity challenges.

The Forum gathers integrity professionals at the operational level of GCF Accredited Entities to discuss effective implementation of GCF projects and integrity policies through best practice sharing. Most importantly, it enables a platform for Accredited Entity integrity offices to develop practical strategies and partnerships that would sustain mutual support and learn among each other.