22nd Conference of International Investigators (CII)
Hybrid, Luxembourg
1 - 2 June 2022
Colleagues from the Independent Integrity Unit (IIU) will participate as panellists, resource speakers and delegates at the 22nd Conference of International Investigators (CII), 30 May to 03 June. The conference will be held in Luxembourg and online with the Inspectorate General of the European Investment Bank as the host.
The CII is now in its third decade as an established forum for investigation professionals to share best practices, experience, knowledge, challenges, and concerns about strategic, technical, and operational matters in their work.

IN PERSON AGAIN. Ibrahim Pam, Head of the IIU speaks to an audience of integrity professionals at the 22nd Conference of International Investigators, 02 June.
The IIU is set to appear in two events:
01 June, 11:00 a.m. (CEST) (In)dependence, Scope and Outputs of Proactive Work
This session aims to explore the sometimes blurred relationship of inter-and (in)dependence of proactive reviews vis-a-vis investigations, audits and operations, as well as tackle the challenges of timely and effective enforcement of recommendations from proactive reviews both internally and within client institutions.
Mirela Lascu, European Investment Bank
Eunyoung Lee, Green Cimate Fund (Intervention)
Ryna Ferlatte, World Bank
Juanita Riano, Inter-American Development Bank
Svetlana Sinyukova, World Food Programme
02 June, 02:45 p.m. (CEST) Investigating Environmental Projects
The panel will discuss how harm is caused by social and environmental non-compliance and explore how the investigation of these issues differs from wrongdoing/integrity and ethics investigations, the other mechanisms available for addressing social and environmental concerns, our approaches, and common areas of interest, and opportunities for collaboration.
Toussant Boyce, Caribbean Development Bank
Christine Reddell, United Nations Development Programme
Brett Simpson, United Nations Development Programme
Ibrahim Pam, Green Climate Fund
Lalanath de Silva, Green Climate Fund
Learn more about the CII: https://www.ciinvestigators.org/2022-22nd-conference/