Symposium on Supranational Responses to Corruption: International Anti-Corruption Investigations
4:30 p.m. CET / 11:30 p.m. KST, Vienna, Austria
28 April 2022
Albert Lihalakha, Deputy Head of the Independent Integrity Unit (IIU), is set to speak as a panellist at the Symposium on Supranational Responses to Corruption on 28 April, 4:30 p.m. CET/11:30 p.m. KST. Lihalakha will present “The Integrity Enforcement Regime at the Green Climate Fund," authored by Dr. Sanjeev Narrainen, Integrity and Compliance Officer, IIU.
The session is part of a two-day agenda organized by the World Bank Office of Suspension and Debarment (OSD), the Anti-Corruption Law Interest Group of the American Society of International Law, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Anti-Corruption Division.
The symposium will take place in Vienna, Austria, with arrangements for remote participation.
The IIU invites you to attend by registering before 28 April via the link below:
Session III: International Anti-Corruption Investigations
- Reforming the international framework on corporate settlements in foreign bribery cases. Dr. Radha Ivory, Prof., University of Queensland, Australia
- The Integrity Enforcement Regime at the Green Climate Fund. Albert Lihalakha, Deputy Head of Independent Integrity Unit, Green Climate Fund
- The Global Operational Network of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Authorities. Rositsa Zaharieva, Coordinator, GlobE Network Secretariat, UNODC
- Gianpiero Antonazzo, Senior Investigator, Integrity Vice Presidency, World Bank Group Victoria Jacobson, Case Controller, Serious Fraud Office, United Kingdom
- Discussant: Nicola Bonucci, Partner, Paul Hastings LLP

EXCHANGING KNOWLEDGE. Deputy Head of the IIU, Albert Lihalakha speaks as a panellist in the session discussing "International Anti-Corruption Investigations" at the OECD Headquarters in Vienna, 28 April. Photo from OPEC.