The IIU issues a range of publications for our direct and indirect stakeholders on a diversity of issues – for the general public to industry experts.
Featured publications
Thematic brief: Civil society partnership: Integrity in climate action
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) employs a multi-stakeholder approach to promoting integrity and ensuring accountability across its portfolio of projects and programmes.
Thematic brief: Enhancing integrity to avoid maladaptation
Integrity and good governance in climate adaptation projects are the cornerstones of successful projects for ensuring that funds are used for their designated purposes and enabling adaptation.

Prohibited Practices Poster
December 2023
A poster encouraging GCF external stakeholders to join the fight against Prohibited Practices by reporting them to the Independent Integrity Unit. The IIU encourages GCF partners such as Direct Access Entities, National Determined Authorities, Executing Entities and other implementing entities to print these posters and put up around the office to promote the reporting of Prohibited Practices.

Conflict of Interest Poster
December 2023
A poster encouraging GCF staff, interns, consultants, Board members, and external members to talk with the Independent Integrity about any actual, potential, or perceived Conflicts of Interest that they may have. Reach out to [email protected] for advice on how to manage and mitigate Conflicts of Interest.

Thematic brief: Civil society partnership: Integrity in climate action
November 2022
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) employs a multi-stakeholder approach to promoting integrity and ensuring accountability across its portfolio of projects and programmes. The active engagement of diverse stakeholders is at the core of GCF as it works with a wide range of partners in the national,regional, and international levels. Effective participation by civil society in integrity advocacy and initiatives is critical for achieving inclusive and sustainable development. The Independent Integrity...

IIU General Information Brochure
August 2022
This brochure highlights the mandate of the Independent Integrity Unit (IIU) of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which proactively addresses fraud, corruption, and prohibited practices. It emphasizes the importance of reporting suspected wrongdoing and provides information on protections for whistleblowers. The brochure outlines the investigation process and offers contact details for reporting and inquiries. The IIU is dedicated to 100% climate action and zero tolerance for corruption. The...

International Trends and Perspectives in Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing
May 2022
This paper reviews the current status of the international fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, highlighting the importance of their prevention for economic and financial stability. It synthesizes the recent history of international legislation and agreements with respect to the issues and presents the framework of public and private sector actors engaged in combating money laundering and terrorism financing. The paper also reviews Nigeria's compliance with the...

Understanding the Integrity Enforcement Regime at the Green Climate Fund
April 2022
Climate change offers businesses an unprecedented chance to capitalize on new growth and investment opportunities that can protect the planet as well. The Green Climate Fund is a financing agency and assists developing countries in adaptation and mitigation practices to counter climate change. Corruption in climate finance negatively impacts climate change intervention, undermining mitigation efforts to reduce emissions and decreasing the quality of adaptation infrastructure – in both cases,...

Thematic brief: Enhancing integrity to avoid maladaptation
November 2021
Integrity and good governance in climate adaptation projects are the cornerstones of successful projects for ensuring that funds are used for their designated purposes and enabling adaptation. This Thematic Brief reflects on how adaptation projects may result in maladaptation from the integrity perspective, which either heightens the expected climate-related risks or creates a new set of additional risks. Objectives of the Thematic Brief: To examine the issue of how corruption and...

Retaliation brochure
May 2020
What is retaliation and how can you report it if you are affected? The GCF provides protection through the IRM and the Independent Integrity Unit (IIU). Both units have produced a joint brochure where you can find information about retaliation and the measures that can be taken to protect you