The flagship conference of the Independent Integrity Unit (IIU), the 2nd GCF[BJ1] Integrity Forum, will take place from 13 to 15 September in Bangkok, Thailand.
This event will bring together 55 Direct Access Entity participants from 36 Direct Access Entities located all around the world, with representation from the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific.
The IIU has five objectives for this Forum: to strengthen the integrity network, address integrity challenges that DAEs are facing, facilitate peer learning among the DAEs, highlight best practices on integrity topics, and promote collaboration between IIU and the DAEs.
Over the course of three days, participants will engage in a wide range of sessions on integrity issues, from mitigating and managing conflicts of interest to learning about innovative prevention tools and much more. The sessions will be covered in a variety of modalities, including plenaries, panels, workshops, and learning sessions. The programme also features one-on-one clinic consultation sessions, where IIU staff will meet with individual participants to give advice about various integrity topics to try and support the specific efforts within the organisations.
In addition to IIU staff, the conference includes a roster of expert resource speakers from many of our partner organisations, including the World Bank Integrity Vice Presidency, Asian Development Bank Office of Anticorruption and Integrity, Transparency International, and GIZ. We are also bringing in other professionals in the field to share their expertise with our participants, including the research centre CivicDataLab in India and GIZ Thailand. In addition, joining from across the GCF will be the Independent Evaluation Unit, to lead a session on the Direct Access Modality and Evaluation Policy and the Office of Sustainability & Inclusion to discuss safeguarding against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment.
This Forum will build capacity within the DAE network on integrity issues, foster a network of integrity professionals across our partner organisations, and encourage all the DAEs to pursue the highest standards of integrity within their GCF projects – which will help to bolster the mission across the entire GCF.
While the Integrity Forum will not be livestreamed, please find more information about the agenda on the IIU website at Reach out to the Integrity Forum Organising Committee at [email protected] with any questions.