On 7 August, during the first day of the GCF Regional Programming Dialogue with Asia and the Pacific, the Independent Integrity Unit (IIU) hosted a side event on investigation procedures.
The purpose of this side event was to introduce IIU procedures and reporting requirements for external investigations on prohibited practices in GCF projects and programmes to the relevant GCF stakeholders. In conjunction with the regional dialogue, this session was geared towards Direct Access Entities (DAEs), International Access Entities (IAEs), and Delivery Partners (DPs).
During the session, IIU Investigations Officer Evgeny Ten covered the role of the Investigations team within the IIU, outlined the investigations procedures, the responsibility of AEs and DPs to cooperate in IIU investigations, and provided some case studies to highlight these processes. The audience of 51 participants, composed of representatives from Asia and the Pacific DAEs, IAEs, and DPS, also learned about the streamlined reporting template that the IIU has created to assist with the process of reporting investigation findings.
![Investigation presentation at the GCF Asia Pacific Regional Dialogue]()
Investigation presentation at the GCF Asia Pacific Regional Dialogue
There was an active discussion following the presentation. Participants asked about reporting allegations of wrongdoing when there is a project that is being implemented by multiple entities and what sanctions might occur if an instance of wrongdoing is not immediately reported. There were also questions about how IIU reports to the Board and if there is a difference between Accredited Entities that are banks or not and their capacity to address integrity concerns.
This side event worked to further build the knowledge of Asia and the Pacific GCF stakeholders regarding IIU investigations processes and integrity concerns.
![Evgeny Ten from IIU presents at the GCF Asia Pacific Regional Dialogue]()
Evgeny Ten from IIU presents at the GCF Asia Pacific Regional Dialogue