Resources Integrity policies Operational documents Publications Peer learning community GCF integrity framework The IIU establishes and provides input to policies and procedures that help GCF manage integrity. Share Integrity policies Terms of reference 2 policies Terms of reference of the Independent Integrity Unit Adopted by decision B.06/09 (b). Adopts the terms of reference of the Independent Integrity Unit. Terms of reference of the Head of the Independent Integrity Unit Adopted by decision B.10/05 (l). Key integrity policies 9 policies Policy on prohibited practices Adopted by decision B.22/19. Establishes the specific conduct and activities which are prohibited, the obligations of Covered Individuals and Counterparties to uphold the highest standards of integrity, and the actions which the GCF may take when prohibited practices are alleged to have occurred in Fund-related Activities. Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism policy Adopted by decision B.18/10 (a). Outlines the principles and minimum standards of internal AML/CFT controls which should be adhered to by the GCF to mitigate reputational, regulatory, legal and financial loss risks. Standards for the implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism policy Adopted by decision B.23/15 (a). These AML/CFT Standards set the minimum and mandatory benchmarks to prevent, detect, and investigate money laundering and financing of terrorism, and to control and manage related risk. Revised policy on the prevention and protection from Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse, and Sexual Harassment Adopted by decision B.BM-2021/08. This policy sets out the obligations for GCF Covered Individuals to prevent and respond to SEAH and to refrain from condoning, encouraging, participating in, or engaging in SEAH. Policy on the protection of whistleblowers and witnesses Adopted by decision B.BM-2018/21. Sets out the general principles, protections and remedies for whistleblowers and witnesses, procedural safeguards, monitoring and reporting guidelines. Administrative remedies and exclusion policy Adopted by decision B.BM-2021/09. Sets out the administrative process by which the Fund determines, through administrative proceedings or settlements, whether or not to apply administrative remedies and exclusions against counterparties found to have engaged in prohibited practices in connection with Fund-related activities. Initial fiduciary principles and standards of the Fund Adopted by decision B.07/02. Sets out the initial basic fiduciary standards for administrative and financial capacities. Investigation standards Adopted by decision B.BM-2021/22. Policies on ethics and conflicts of interest 5 policies Policy on ethics and conflicts of interest for the Board of the Green Climate Fund Adopted by decision B.09/03 (a). Sets out the ethics and conflicts of interest policies for the Board. Policy on ethics and conflicts of interest for the Executive Director of the Green Climate Fund Secretariat Adopted by decision B.10/13 (c). Sets out the ethics and conflicts of interest policies for the Executive Director. Policy on ethics and conflicts of interest for external members of the Green Climate Fund panels and groups Adopted by decision B.10/13 (a). Sets out the ethics and conflicts of interest policies for external members of the GCF panels and groups. Policy on ethics and conflicts of interest for Board-appointed officials Adopted by decision B.13/27 (a). Sets out the ethics and conflicts of interest policies for the Board-appointed officials. Policy on ethics and conflicts of interest for active observers of the Green Climate Fund Adopted by decision B.23/08 (a). Sets out the ethics and conflicts of interest policies for the active observers of the GCF. Duties and responsibilities of staff members 2 policies Code of conduct Excerpt of the Administrative Guidelines on Human Resources adopted by decision B.08/17. Prevention of harrassment Excerpt of the Administrative Guidelines on Human Resources adopted by decision B.08/17.