• Video type IIU video
  • Video date 15 Nov 2022

COP27: Civil Society Partnership: Integrity for Climate Action

Civil society organisations (CSOs) play a crucial role in promoting the agenda of transparency and accountability in implementing climate-financed projects. The side event will bring significant stakeholders to discuss integrity challenges facing climate projects on the ground and will chart how to develop a CSO Partnership Strategy. Panellists will present their experiences working with civil society and examine cases that illustrate the value of a multi-stakeholder approach to promoting integrity in climate action.
This side event launched an extensive, long-term programme of integrity initiatives with partner CSOs ranging from capacity-building activities and awareness-raising campaigns to monitoring and reporting integrity violations. The IIU is committed to building a framework of sustained engagement with civil society as its partner in enhancing the capacities of GCF Accredited Entities to address integrity gaps and as a force multiplier in ensuring integrity in GCF projects.
Featured Speakers

Albert Lihalakha, Head of the Independent Integrity Unit a.i., Green Climate Fund

Panel Members
Yannick Glemarec, Executive Director, Green Climate Fund
Hong-Thuy Paterson, Chief Financial Officer, Deputy Executive Director, Green Climate Fund
Anju Sharma, Global Lead on Locally-Led Adaptation, Global Centre on Adaptation
Binayak Das – Project Coordinator, Tools and Methodologies/Climate Change Lead, Water Integrity Network
Brice Böhmer – Climate and Environment Lead, Climate Governance Integrity, Transparency International